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75F Smart Innovation Solutions India Pvt Ltd Awarded By The Ministry Of Power

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency honours the company’s commitment to revolutionizing energy efficiency and sustainability.   75F received recognition at the National Energy Efficiency Innovation Awards 2023, held at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi, on 14 December 2023, as part of the ‘National Energy Conservation Day’ celebrations. During the award ceremony, the Bureau of Energy Efficiency […]

Navigating Voluntary Carbon Markets: Promise, Perplexity, and Potential

“Climate change is a reality, and carbon emissions are the culprits.” The urgent need to limit our carbon footprint has given rise to an innovative mechanism – voluntary carbon markets. In the heart of this growing market, India is crafting its path with the introduction of the Carbon Credit Trading Scheme (CCTS) 2023 by the […]

India’s Leadership At COP28: Charting A Sustainable Course For Global Climate Action

“A small part of humanity has ruthlessly exploited nature, and the entire humanity is bearing the cost of it, especially the inhabitants of the Global South. The selfishness of a few will lead the world into darkness, not just for themselves but for the entire world.” – Prime Minister Narendra Modi   In a powerful […]

Revised COP Draft Proposes Fossil Fuel Transition As Compromise Deal

The latest text ordains nations to transition away from fossil fuels, including coal, but stops short of dictating a phase-out   COP28 leaders worked through a draft deal after arguing over the divisive phase-out issue till the small hours of Wednesday. The most recent wording calls for countries to move away from coal and other […]

At Least $2.1 Bn In New Funds Pledged At COP28, As Foundations Focus On Health And Agriculture

Despite a Climate-works Foundation report revealing stagnant philanthropic funding for climate change mitigation in 2022, the forum introduces new blended finance vehicles to fund initiatives through a mix of corporate investments and donations   At the wrap-up of the United Nations climate talks in Dubai, foundations and other contributors committed over USD2.1 billion in new […]

5 Major Promises Made At Annual UN Climate Talks And What Has Happened Since

Climate experts say the pledges are just a fraction of the billions of dollars needed, as climate-driven weather extremes such as cyclones, rising sea levels, floods and droughts are increasing as temperatures rise   As the United Nations climate talks conclude in Dubai this week, there is anticipation of significant pledges to combat climate change […]

COP28 Presidency Unites Leaders For Urbanisation And Climate Change Path Forward

The statement sets out a ten-point plan to boost the inclusion of cities in the decision-making process on climate change, drive multilevel climate action and accelerate the deployment of urban climate finance   The Statement was put forward at COP28 during the second Ministerial Meeting on Urbanisation and Climate Change.  At the event, the COP28 […]

World Bank Introduces Programme To Combat India’s Air Pollution

World Bank emphasises the importance of airshed-wide coordination to achieve substantial pollution reductions    In order to combat the dangerous effects of ambient particulate matter (PM) 2.5 pollution in India, the World Bank has started a campaign. 1.4 billion people are impacted by the nation’s worsening air pollution problem. The programme will establish the first […]

United For Nature: COP28 Mobilises Action To Protect And Restore Forests, Mangroves, Land And Ocean

Building on the Forest Land and Agriculture frameworks of Science-based Target International and the Science-based Target Network, over 150 companies and financial institutions have pledged to establish climate and nature targets   COP28’s Nature, Land Use and Ocean Day saw leaders endorse commitments and pledges of over USD 186 million to drive climate action and […]