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From Waste to Worth: Transforming Plastic Waste Into Valuable Resources

Industry leaders highlight sustainable solutions and innovations in plastic management Deepa Nagraj, Global Head of Communications, Sparkle Innovation Ecosystem, ESG and CSR, Mphasis outlines the primary contributors to plastic waste, she says, “One of the things that we hear a lot of people talk about is we’re probably the last generation who can do something […]

Divya Datt, PMO, UNEP

Addressing The Menace Of Plastics: Insights From Divya Datt, Programme Manager At UNEP India

Divya Datt, Programme Management Officer at UNEP speaks on the global battle against plastic pollution In a compelling session, Divya Datt, Programme Management Officer at the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) India, provided profound insights into the global battle against plastic pollution. Datt began by acknowledging the severity of the plastic crisis, stressing its pervasive […]