Beyond Extraction: Reimagining Metals & Mining Role In A Sustainable Tomorrow

As the world moves towards a low-carbon economy to arrest the increase in global warming, the mining and metals sector finds itself at the crossroads of green growth and transition.
The metals and mining sector is poised to propel India’s economy to become the third largest globally in the coming years. Per capita aluminium consumption in India, currently at 2.2 kg, is among the lowest globally compared to the world average of approximately 12 kg and the developed nations’ benchmark of 22-25 kg. This underscores the untapped growth potential. With transformative initiatives such as building high-speed rail networks, establishing mega solar parks and accelerating electric vehicle adoption, the demand for critical metals like copper and aluminium is set to witness unprecedented growth, driving the nation’s economic ascent.
The journey of extracting earth’s finite resources while ensuring their availability for generations to come presents a compelling paradox. Given its resource-intensive nature, the metals and mining sector has been pressured to focus more on green growth and sustainability. Mining companies must focus more on environmental issues while charting courses for future economic development and adopt practices that minimise resource depletion, reduce emissions and promote ecological balance.
Some key focus areas to drive green growth and the transition include net zero and nature positivity approach for each natural resource being consumed, improving ambient air quality, water stewardship (zero liquid discharge, water neutrality and water positivity), circular economy involving recycling end-of-life and zero waste to landfill (ZWTL), no net loss to biodiversity, sustainable mining, sustainable tailings management and adoption of new technologies and digital.
Sustainable Mining In India
In India, the mining sector is intricately tied to the nation’s growth trajectory, playing a pivotal role in its development story. As the industry is projected to make significant strides in the coming years, the focus is shifting towards adopting a broader definition of sustainability that encompasses biodiversity conservation, waste recycling, resource efficiency, water positivity, social impact, and gender diversity.
A circular economy is closely linked to recycling and ZWTL. End-of-life collection and usage back in the process. Metal manufacturers must revolutionise the recycling landscape by harnessing the full potential of recyclability. End-of-life scrap conversion to high-quality, sustainable products is the way to reduce mining, and it requires 90-95 per cent less energy than producing virgin metal through mining routes. A closed-loop recycling system that reduces waste, conserves natural resources and ensures a consistent supply of materials is the need of the hour.
Every organisation must also focus on ZWTL and have policies and commitments towards it. Waste management frameworks are available with strategies that cover the entire value chain. The 5R+1S approach underpins the waste management strategy – reduce, recycle, redesign-repurpose, recover, rehabilitate, and store, aligning with UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 12.
Water Positivity
Water is increasingly reported as a financial risk central to achieving SDGs. Widening water demand-supply gaps are evident in shortages, depleting groundwater, and declining quality. The Indian industry must ensure water resources are managed responsibly, sustainably and equitably.
As water is infinitely recyclable, addressing water scarcity—a growing global challenge driven by population growth, industrialisation and climate change—is essential. Organisations should focus on self-sufficiency and replenishing water basins where withdrawals occur. NITI Aayog’s Water Neutrality framework, based on 3M+7R (map, measure, monitor; reduce, recycle, recover, replenish, recharge, rejuvenate, recognise/respect), ensures freshwater use is offset within the same watershed.
Biodiversity- Path To Nature Positivity
The No Net Loss approach aims to ensure that negative impacts on biodiversity are avoided, minimised, restored or compensated. Some companies now go beyond this to enhance and restore biodiversity by being nature-positive, setting targets that integrate efforts across water, biodiversity, and emissions. This fosters a balanced relationship between biotic and abiotic elements, actively contributing to ecosystem health.
Moreover, adopting biodiversity conservation initiatives in the buffer zone, safeguarding ecological balance, and decarbonising processes through groundbreaking technologies like hydrogen-based fuels and carbon capture utilisation and storage will help metal and mining companies secure a greener future.
Growing Focus On Renewable Energy And Digitisation
The metals and mining sector has traditionally depended on fossil fuels, making it one of the most energy-intensive sectors. Higher usage of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hybrid, hydel, pumped hydro, etc., for some of their operations, can significantly reduce carbon emissions and make the sector more environment friendly. Adopting innovative ideas and new-generation tools such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and blockchain can also help metals and mining companies achieve higher efficiency in their operations by optimising resource consumption.
India’s metals and mining sector is undergoing a transformational phase toward sustainability. However, this path is not without challenges. High initial costs, technology adoption hurdles, and a shortage of skilled workers are significant obstacles that must be overcome.
Despite these challenges, the sector holds immense opportunities to focus on innovation, collaboration, and sustainability. The transition is not merely about compliance—it’s about unlocking new value and ensuring sustainable growth for the future. With the right strategies, the mining and metals sector can drive the green economy.
Author- Vaishali Surawar is the Chief Sustainability Officer at Hindalco Industries.