No Environmental Impact Assessment Studies For Sagarmala Project In Assam: Centre

The Assam government has informed that no Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) studies have been conducted for the Sagarmala Projects in the state, Union Minister of Ports, Shipping and Waterways Sarbananda Sonowal said this in a written reply in Lok Sabha.
EIA is a process of evaluating the likely environmental impacts of a proposed project or development, taking into account inter-related socio-economic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. EIA in India is statutorily backed by the Environment Protection Act, of 1986 which contains various provisions that deal with EIA methodology and process.
According to the data, primary environmental and social screening and scoping were conducted in 2022 for passenger terminals in Assam. The proposal of the Assam government for the development of eight smaller terminals and two slipways along the National Waterways- two for enhancing the infrastructure related to National Waterways and connectivity has been in-principally agreed by the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways for 100 per cent financial assistance under Sagarmala Scheme with a total outlay of Rs 645.56 crore. The government of Assam has been requested to proceed ahead with the revision of DPRs, and requisite clearances and initiate the tendering process.
The Sagarmala Project was initiated by the centre after the Cabinet approved it in 2015 to promote port-led development in India. The project aims to harness the 7500 km long coastline of the country to unleash its economic potential. The project also seeks to boost infrastructure for transporting goods to and from ports quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively.
There is no expenditure from the Sagarmala Scheme under the said ten projects.
The expected timeline for the completion of the proposed passenger terminals at Bahari, Dhubri, Disangukh, Ghagor, Goalpara, Guijan, Kurua, and Matmora is 27 months. The expected timeline for the completion of the proposed slipways at Majuli and Dhubri is 36 months.
In Assam, under the Sagarmala Program, there are ten projects worth Rs 1185 crore for waterways development and connectivity, of which four projects worth Rs 157.4 crore are completed and six projects worth Rs 1028 crore are in various stages of implementation and development.