Green Horizon Rounded Up – Milestones in 2023 Shaping A Sustainable Tomorrow

From COP28’s climate summit to India’s Bio-fuel Alliance to G20’s Green Pact, 2023 has been a mixed bag for the sustainability sector
Amidst the persistent obstacles caused by climate change, evolving energy transitions, and geopolitical tensions, the year appeared to have the potential for constructive transformation– a belief that was recognised by a significant percentage of people, but not all. In 2023, advancements were made, particularly in the area of the environment, in the sustainability sector with the help of global alliances and national campaigns. Here is a look at the key milestones that defined 2023’s sustainability landscape:
COP28: A Turning Point In Climate Action?
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) hosted COP28 from 30th November to 13th December, drawing world leaders, delegates, and activists to Dubai. The conference culminated in the “Dubai Climate Compact,” a document pledging to accelerate emission reductions by 43 per cent by 2030 (compared to 2010). While this represented a step up from previous commitments, it fell short of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) recommended 45 per cent cut needed to limit global warming to 1.5°C. As UN Secretary-General António Guterres remarked, “The Compact offers a pathway, but the science is clear: we need to triple our efforts to keep 1.5°C alive.”
Bio-fuel Alliance For A Greener Future
During the G20 Summit, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a statement on the establishment of the Global Biofuels Alliance (GBA), a significant development for the global energy sector. Led by India, GBA seeks cooperation between national and international governments and businesses to encourage the broad use of biofuels. This project has the potential to significantly advance the move to sustainable energy sources while also fostering economic expansion and job development. “Our dependence on fossil fuels is unsustainable,” said PM Modi earlier.
He added that this alliance marks a united effort to harness the potential of clean and renewable alternatives for a healthier planet and energy security.
The GBA highlighted how India, as the G20 President and the “Voice of the Global South,” has taken a proactive stance. This coalition, which includes significant biofuel producers and users, shows India’s dedication to taking practical steps to address global issues.
The GBA offers all-encompassing assistance for the worldwide advancement and implementation of sustainable biofuels. The alliance hopes to make biofuels a major player in the world energy scene by sharing policy insights, supporting national programmes with technical support and introducing capacity-building activities. In addition, the GBA seeks to establish a virtual marketplace that will connect technology suppliers and end users, mapping and addressing the dynamics of supply and demand.
Sixth Assembly Of International Solar Alliance Assembly (ISA)
The Sixth Assembly of the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in October 2023 saw the organisation welcoming 15 new member countries, bringing its total to 111. With a focus on mobilising USD 1 trillion in investments for solar energy projects by 2030, the ISA has become a crucial driver of solar adoption, particularly in developing nations.
“We are witnessing a solar revolution at the grassroots level. The ISA is facilitating knowledge sharing, technology transfer and financial mechanisms to make solar energy a viable and accessible option for all,” said ISA Director-General Ajay Mathur in the curtain raiser ceremony of the assembly.
The organisation estimates that its efforts could lead to the installation of 1 terawatt of solar capacity by 2030, potentially displacing 470 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually.
G20 Green Pact For The Planet And Future
G20 leaders adopted a green development pact to accelerate the steps needed to tackle the challenges of environment and climate change.
“Recognising that the prosperity and well-being of present and future generations depend on our current development and other policy choices and actions, we resolve to pursue environmentally sustainable and inclusive economic growth and development in an integrated, holistic and balanced manner,” stated the leaders’ declaration adopted on the first day of the G20 leaders’ summit in the capital.
“Mindful of our leadership role, we reaffirm our steadfast commitments, in pursuit of the objective of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to tackle climate change,” the leaders’ declaration stated.
G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant explained that the green development pact was achieved with the support of every nation, according to media reports. When India’s presidency began for G20, the Prime Minister expressed that India’s presidency must be inclusive, decisive, ambitious, and action-oriented.
The statement from New Delhi leaders is composed of 83 paragraphs. Every country has unanimous support on all 83 paragraphs. The topic of geopolitics is covered in eight paragraphs under the heading “planet, people, peace, and prosperity.” All of those paragraphs are fully accepted. The New Delhi declaration has received unequivocal endorsement from all nations,” Kant stated, emphasising that the declaration is devoid of any footnotes.
Despite the progress made in 2023, several challenges lie ahead. Ensuring adequate international funding for climate action, bridging the implementation gap between pledges and action, and addressing geopolitical hurdles are key concerns. However, the year’s achievements offer a much-needed dose of optimism.
At the end of the summit, Sultan Al Jaber, President of COP28 said, “2023 has shown us that even amidst daunting challenges, we can ignite the flames of hope. The journey ahead will be demanding, but the seeds of green change planted this year can blossom into a sustainable future if we nurture them with unwavering commitment and collaborative action.”